2k/3 Chipsets to VX Ace Tilesets

Note: The four tile animated tiles are converted using the 1st three frames.
A5 -> A3/4 Option
Moves what should really be A5 into A3/4 rather than B allowing you to use it on Ace's lower layer. You either need to use a script which controls which tiles are passable or use this script.






2k/3 Charsets to VX Ace Characters

Remember the ! if you don't the translucent
effect applied by the bush attribute.

XP Characters to VX Ace Characters

Remember the $ when you save.

Doubler (Animations, Static Battlers)


VX Ace Tilesets to MV

2k3 BattleCharSets to MV/MZ Battlers

A: B:


I hope you find this set of converters useful, I decided at some point it'd be quicker to write a converter than convert 2k tilesets by hand (curse those animated autotiles). Anyway I decided to share this tool with the community as I figured some people might find it useful. If you find any anomalies please let me know.


Some stats:
Chipsets converted Charsets converted XP Characters converted Resources doubled VX Ace Tilesets Converted 2k3 BattleCharSets Converted
2136 2853 1106 1014 4144 444
A2 Option
Include a copy with the middle of the autotile pasted over.